Characters & Stages - Wenova

In 2017 I participated as general 2d artist in a project for University of Brasília to create a pixel art fighting game.  We caled it Wenova, Rise of conquerors, which was a mix between technological and fantasy warriors, trying to settle on a new planet.

With the time we had, I only managed to create Two characters for the demo and 2 stages.

However I did manage to make some idle animations of all of our final ideas for each character.

Here are all the sketches and variations I did for each character before we agreed upon what direction we wanted to go.  We planned 8 characters, as the game was doubles based, but we knew we wouldn't be making this much in the end.

As portrayed, much of the style was based of of Super Time Force Ultra, which was something we knew we wanted to try and replicate as well as something we thought could fit the deadline we had.

I also made lots of sketches to set up the world and environments we expected to see. We wanted to create a inhabited world and trasnform it into two stages. For that I choose waterfall and mangrove.