Constantine  Multiversus

Entered a collaboration with two other artists, Renan Fabrício and Ana Coelho, to create a portfolio piece in the multiversus style. After quick deliberation we thought that John Constantine would be an interesting character to introduce to the game.

Final designs and poses, regarding 3d modeler feedback and other ajustments. The main idea behind the sleeves was to create a better silhouette in general, improving the clarity of limbs direction. Most of the character special attacks would reflect Constantine being hunted by various enemies.

Firstly, I tried to create a general proportion rate for the character. Started slightly messing around with body builds, trying to keep him slim, but also in a "super hero" shape. Thankfully, the shapes of the coat helped a lot to not make him seem too bulky.

After that, I tried to define with type of hair I would be giving to him. In this case I really wanted to go for one of the more recent styles, but ended up choosing one witch could also have a silhouette that pointed forward, to increase the notion of direction and side.